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Spider Pig The Black Pig 2021

Spider Pig The Black Pig 2021
-10 %
Spider Pig The Black Pig 2021

The Black Pig rounds out the Piggy stable*. It’s said that the black pigs are the Royalty of the species. It’smade from one of the world’s greatest vinous treasures, Cabernet Sauvignon. Cab Sauv is practically everyone’s cup of tea for a glass of wine. Combine this majesticswan with a lick of the 51-year old, Old Vine Cinsaut and we present to you the special, the inimitable BLACK PIG. *Stables are for horses, not pigs.

Technical Analysis
alc 13.5
rs 1.4
pH 3.71
ta 4.8
Wine Information
Brand Group Spider Pig

LABEL EXPLANATION: We felt that we had to have a wine on our roster that was aspirational and slightly more serious. I used inspiration from an SA DESIGN LABEL AWARD we won for the layout of the 9-blocks incorporated into one of the logos and BLACK&GOLD being just an immediate signal to bling! and flashy! Along with the fact that not all Pigs are pink, white, red etc. THE BLACK PIG was created. We believe that it’s a suitable fit to wine that’s in the glass.

Variety Various
Blend Percentage Cabernet Sauvignon; Cinsaut
Food Suggestion
  • Range: Spider Pig
R346.50 per item
1 or more R346.50
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